Submit Your Event
Thank you for your interest in submitting an event to stateofWAtourism.com. Our events calendar is intended as a resource for visitors to and within the State of Washington who are seeking leisure activities. Please do not include community events, workshops, galas, etc.
SWT only publishes visitor-focused events that are open to the public.
When submitting your event, please:
- Write in complete sentences and include a full description of the event and what visitors can expect. Do not use all caps.
- Include 1 high-quality photo in landscape orientation (4:3 proportion). Recommended size is 1024×768. Accepted file types: jpg, png. Max file size 1 MB. Please note that images may appear cut off if not sized correctly.
- Do not upload graphics, logos, or flyers as a photo
We do not list the following types of events:
- Fundraisers or community charity events (galas, auctions, etc.)
- Workshops, seminars, or classes
- Religious ceremonies or functions
- Recurring community events such as trivia nights, farmers markets, open mics, etc.
- Live music at bars/restaurants/hotels
- Trunk shows or gallery openings
- School events (sports, craft fairs, performances, etc.)
- Events aimed primarily at community members/residents (trick-or-treating, etc.)
- Retreats or camps
- Political events or rallies
- Library events or book signings
- Events outside Washington State
Note: Your submission must be reviewed and approved before it is published. State of Washington Tourism reserves the right to edit event descriptions and photos to meet submission standards.
Please read our event submission guidelines before completing this form.